Are you experiencing domestic abuse?
FLOWS, which stands for Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors, is a legal support service, designed to help protect women against domestic abuse.
There are lots of ways we can help you.
Help is right here, or around the corner
We know that you may feel that you are in a dark, difficult and frightening place. We also know that taking any action against your abuser can feel like a big step.
Expert support could make the difference. FLOWS can help you to consider the available options, online, on the phone, or sitting down with an expert in your local area. It’s an entirely confidential and fully independent service. No-one will pressure you into doing anything you are not ready to do.
What is FLOWS?
FLOWS is a team of experts from the Family Team of the Royal Courts of Justice RCJ Advice, working in partnership with Rights of Women.
Our network of trusted and fully vetted advisers includes experienced solicitors and law clinics, Citizen Advice services, front-line professionals in women’s refuges, women’s aid organisations, and organisations that provide safe environments for domestic abuse survivors.
Apply for a court order online
You can use our online tool CourtNav to fill in an FL401 court form. This is an application for a non-molestation and/or occupation order.
All CourtNav applications will be checked by a Legal Adviser, who will advise you on the best course of action which may not necessarily be an application to the court.
Clicking Register now will take you to CourtNav.